Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Second part of Bride Rights is up!

Bride Rights Pt. 02


I'm 2k into the third part with no end in sight. It's going to be a long one. I probably won't get it finished until I have more time to write on the weekend.

Darn day jobs, taking up all my time.

Pretty happy with what I've written on it so far. It's from Amice's perspective and I'm enjoying learning more about her as a character. Fucking Clarissa isn't in it, because she's been sent off.

Okay, I have a confession. I wasn't sure what to do with Clarissa during the story I wanted to tell in the third part, so that's why she's out of the way for a bit.

The fourth part will be from Clarissa's perspective, though, so don't count her out yet. She's still got stuff to do. Schemes to plot. Trouble to cause.

Not gonna lie, I'm pretty excited about my plan for Clarissa's character. She's become quite the lovable selfish asshole.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Writing on Literotica

After four years of not writing any erotica, I've got a new series I'm working on and posting to literotica! I've only ever used the literotica platform for reading, not writing, so figuring it out has taught me all kinds of things about how the site works that I never suspected.

Like, I had no idea it was so heavily moderated and took days to post a story. Or that pages on literotica are so long (Over 3k?!?)

I'm writing under the username trickysnail because that's the username I made a while ago for reading.

The series I'm working on is called Bride Rights. It's a historical with a hazy time period because I didn't do much world building, and it's about an angry king who won't admit he's in love with a man and the man he's involved with pretending it's definitely just sex that he doesn't even want. Yup. Nothing to see here.

It's also about the queen trying to find her place in her messy hellhole of a marriage. Oh, and fucking Clarissa is there, too. (Okay, I started that joke when I was first writing it, and for some reason I still find it hilarious even though I suspect no one would agree with me.)

The first part is up, and the second part is pending. I'm a little over 1k into writing the third part. My plan is for it to be a five part series, with each of the first four parts being from a different character's POV and the fifth part returning to the king's POV.

Okay, so my initial plan was just to write the one story, but then I realized I wanted to write more so I decided to make it only part one. And now I've brainstormed it into a five part series.

With a sequel, apparently.

I'm really excited about it, which means I'm focusing on it instead of other things I should really be working on...

The biggest problem I'm having so far, is that since I'm publishing as I write, I keep having better ideas that I can't go back and fix because the earlier part is already up. I'm contemplating making an expanded, edited version that I publish to Amazon once I'm done. That way I can fix some issues and add more depth to the story that I've thought of after hitting publish.

It doesn't fit the doctor erotica I have on Amazon right now, though. Speaking of which, I'm a bit flummoxed about how 4 year old erotica I've never promoted is still selling. I'd write more of them, but I don't have any doctor erotica ideas right now.

I don't even have the files for those old stories because they were on my old, lost computer. Maybe I can set them for free so I can buy my old stories to reread? That would be some whacky hijinks.

Anyway, here's a link to part one of Bride Rights. Which, BTW, currently has 11k views and 17 favorites! So awesome!