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Bride Rights

King Alexander is used to getting what he wants and dominating all who defy him. Mostly. His vassals follow his orders, his council comes when he snaps his fingers, and his people obey him, with a few exceptions. One annoying exception is his wife, who seems determined to undermine him at every opportunity.

The most notable exception, however, is Oliver. Oliver, who, in direct contradiction to what the king wanted, left him to get married.

Alexander will stop at nothing to get Oliver back. He doesn’t care who he has to destroy, or what he’ll have to break. Even Oliver’s social climbing new wife won’t get in his way. He will claim the man he desires, and Oliver will surrender both his body and his heart to him before he’s done.

If he finds out that what he needs to do is be vulnerable… he’ll do that, too.

Bride Rights Part 1
Bride Rights Part 2
Bride Rights Part 3