Wednesday, October 14, 2020


 I'm working on the final part of Bride Rights, and it's driving me up a wall. I keep rewriting and deleting and getting nowhere. 

I know what I want to write, but with this being the conclusion I'm just so nervous about getting it wrong and botching the story. There's a lot of flashbacks, and is that just retreading old ground? ARGH. 

 I should, just, never finish a story ever. 

 Hopefully if I just push through the mess, it'll start flowing at some point and I'll be able to wrap this story up and put a bow on it. If it doesn't start flowing it might just be one of those painful, every word sucks to write sort of stories.

Anyway, it's nearly 2k in, and has a good bit more to go.  I've also logged 3k on my side project I've been writing every time I stall out on Bride Rights. It'll be mildly funny if I finish the side project at the same time, but I think this side project is going to be very long, so probably won't get it done that fast.


  1. I can't wait for part five, you've done such a great job so far. Keep up the hard work, i know it will pay off!

  2. I can't wait for the last part, I loved your work till now. Please continue the last part, I'm sure it's good
