Monday, May 11, 2020

Part 4

I just uploaded part four of Bride Rights. It should go live in a couple of days. I enjoyed writing from Clarissa's point of view a whole lot. She's a fun character.

There's more plot than sex in this chapter, but the character development is entertaining and my beta reader liked it, so I think it works.

Initially in my head I envisioned one more sex scene in part four, but when I actually wrote it out I found it didn't work like I thought it would. That's always how it seems to go when I write things down. Like, "Great, this makes perfect sense in my head and will all fit together correctly. Oops, the flow of the written scene is all wrong for this, never mind."

Next up, I'm writing the fifth and final part of the series! After that, no more Bride Rights!

The last part will be a ton of character stuff in order to wrap up Alexander's arch. It'll be from Alexander's point of view and will give more context to the choices he's made in the story. I hope it will end in a place that satisfies most readers. I sort of see it as a HEA, though I'll see how it turns out once I've written it.


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